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Nose Bump

A nose bump, also known as a dorsal hump, is an irregularity in the cartilage and bone in the nose.

What is a nose bump?

A  nose bump is cartilage and bone irregularity in the nose. These irregularities can cause the appearance of a bump in the outline of a person’s nose instead of a straight slope.

There are no health concerns that come with a nose bump, but those who have one may feel self-conscious about the way their nose looks.

Some people inherit dorsal humps genetically and other people may have one because of injury, medical reasons, or infection.

Nose Bump

What treatments are available?

The treatments below are effective at eliminating the appearance of a nose bump and alleviating insecurity for anyone that is affected by a nose bump.

Nose Filler

Nose filler can be used to improve the appearance of the nose, including addressing large pores, or adjusting a crooked or flat nose.