Botox treatment being applied


Anti-Wrinkle Injections

The medication botulinum toxin, commonly known as botox, is used as anti-wrinkle injections by carefully targeting specific facial muscle groups with the goal of improving expressions and softening the appearance of lines and wrinkles. 

The treatment works by limiting the contraction of certain muscle groups which in turn limits the strength of wrinkles. This is very beneficial in preventing new lines from forming and reducing the harshness of existing ones. However, due to its beneficial effect on skin pores, patients usually also find their skin looking fresher and rejuvenated. The results are noticeable in one to two weeks and tend to last three to four months. 

Botox can also be used in reducing muscle bulk as commonly used for jawline slimming or target sweat glands and help with excessive sweating. 

Botox Video


Take a look at our commonly asked questions for Botox treatments.

What happens in the consultation?

You will have a detailed consultation with Dr Band, who will create a plan based on which areas you wish to target. This gives you an opportunity to ask as many questions as you like and to begin your journey with us.

What happens during the treatment?

Photos will be taken and added to your portfolio for us to review the treatment and ensure we create the best possible aesthetic outcome.

Your face will be cleaned and target areas identified.

Using the finest invisible needle, botulinum toxin will be injected to ensure maximum comfort.

Ice can be applied or a local anaesthetic cream is offered to minimise discomfort, however this is not usually necessary.

How long will the treatment take?

The procedure itself takes around 30 minutes to complete.

How long will it take to return to normal activities?

After the procedure is completed, you can return to normal activities immediately.
Note: do not massage the area, avoid exercising for 24 hours and avoid makeup.