Dermal Filler treatment being administered

Dermal Fillers

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers consist of an injectable gel made up of hyaluronic acid that exists naturally in the skin. These fillers are incredibly versatile and can really transform appearances.

Dermal Filler Video


Take a look at our commonly asked questions for dermal filler treatments.

What happens in the consultation?

You will have a detailed consultation with Dr Band, who will create a plan based on which areas you wish to target. This gives you an opportunity to ask as many questions as you like and to begin your journey with us.

What happens during the treatment?

Photos will be taken and added to your portfolio for us to review the treatment progression and ensure we create the best possible aesthetic outcome.

Your face will be cleaned with a disinfectant. Using a very small needle, the dermal filler will be injected. For some areas, a small cannula may be used to optimise the administration of the dermal filler. A gentle massage will ensure the filler is smooth.

Ice can be applied and a local anaesthetic cream is offered to minimise discomfort.

How long will the treatment take?

The procedure itself will take around 30 to 60 minutes to complete.

How long will it take to return to normal activities?

After the procedure is completed, you can return to normal activities immediately.

Note: do not massage the area, avoid exercising for 24 hours, avoid touching the area for 6 hours, avoid saunas and sun-beds and avoid makeup.