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Square Jaw

Having a square jaw refers to the jaw bone in the lower jaw area jutting out to the side, making the jawline look wider.

What is a square jaw?

A square jaw refers to the lower jaw area where the jaw bone extends out on the side. This is often caused by an increased bulk in the masseter muscle at the bottom of the jaw, which creates a bulky ‘square’ appearance. A square jaw makes the jawline look wider, more square, and more masculine in female patients. 

Square Jaw

What treatments are available?

The treatments below are effective at relaxing the masseter muscle. Doing this creates a more attractive oval or heart-shaped face.


Anti-wrinkle treatment to treat and prevent fine lines and improve skin quality overall.


Botox can be injected into the masseter muscle to reduce its size and prevent clenching. It is a popular treatment for people who suffer from bruxism, or teeth grinding. Botox can also be used to improve the appearance of the lower face by reducing the size of the masseter muscle.